
Refuting A Few Myths First-Time Homebuyers Often Believe


Buying a home will represent one of the largest financial investments that you will make. Unfortunately, it can be fairly common for first-time homebuyers to give credit to some of the more routinely held misconceptions when it comes to the home buying process. This mistake can lead to avoidable confusion that may cause unnecessary stress and other problems for you. Learning the truth behind a few common home buying myths will provide you more insight when you are going through this process.

21 September 2016

3 Tips To Help You Lease Your First Commercial Office Space


Having access to the right office space can significantly contribute to the overall success of your business. If you have never rented out a commercial space before, navigating the leasing process can be challenging. Here are three tips that you can use to help ensure you are able to secure the best possible deal on your commercial real estate in the future. 1. Identify factors that could affect your rental rate

1 September 2016

Two Reasons Why Dual Agency May Not Be A Good Idea


Much of the time, a homebuyer and home seller will have their own real estate agent representing them. Occasionally, though, one agent will work for both the seller and the buyer. Called dual agency, this type of arrangement has several benefits, including faster communication between all parties and potentially lower commission fees. However, there are some disadvantages to this situation you should be aware of before you agree to dual agency representation.

31 August 2016

How to Rent an Apartment Quickly


If you have an apartment on your hands that simply isn't renting, here are some steps you can take to make sure that the property is being advertised correctly.  Do Excellent Marketing Your marketing materials shape the entire perception of your apartment; they are what gets potential renters' feet in the door. If you aren't skilled in photo editing, it's worth the investment to have a professional or semi-professional photographer take photos of your space.

28 July 2016

4 Staging Tips To Make Your Home Stand Out To Potential Buyers This Summer


The summer buying market is really competitive for both buyers and sellers. It tends to be the time of year when many individuals want to buy and sell homes. With the market so competitive, it is essential that you stage your home well so that you attract buyers who are willing to pay the price that you want to generate from the sale of your home. Here are four staging tips that will help your home stand out.

12 July 2016

Buying A Home? 3 Reasons You Need A Home Inspection Before You Buy


If you're in the market for a new home, you need to make sure that the one you choose isn't hiding any defects. Before you sign a contract, be sure you insist on a home inspection. Even if a home looks fine when you walk through, it doesn't mean that everything is fine inside the walls or up on the roof. A home inspection will help you identify problems that might be lurking just below the surface.

1 June 2016

What To Look For In A Family-Friendly Home When House Hunting


If you are looking to buy a home that will fit your large family, seeking out family-friendly homes for sale will narrow down your search. There are certain things that you can look out for when house hunting to ensure that a home will be ready to accommodate a large or growing family. Here are four things to look out for if you are on the market for family-friendly homes for sale.

10 May 2016

Three Tips For Buying A Home For The First Time


Buying your first home can be quite exciting, but it can also be very overwhelming at the same time. When buying your first home, it is important to properly prepare to ensure that you do not waste your time looking at homes that you cannot afford or that are not the right fit for you. Use the guide below for a few tips and tricks for making the home buying process easier.

2 May 2016

No Down Payment? Options To Consider For Financing Your Home


One of the most discouraging things about renting is that that rental payment pays someone else's mortgage instead of bringing you closer to home ownership. However, rustling up the cash for a down payment on a home might not be in the cards for you. So, is there a way to get into your own house sooner when saving thousands of dollars is not an option? Rent To Own It seems like a dream come true: you find your house, but you don't close on the sale for a few years.

25 April 2016

Senior Real Estate Agents Vs. Junior Real Estate Agents


If you are in the market to sell your house, you probably want it sold quickly and for the asking price. Because real estate agents can market your home for you while you continue with the moving and packing process, it may be a very wise decision to hire an agent for this job. However, there are senior real estate agents and junior real estate agents. It is important to know and understand the difference.

26 February 2016